Wednesday 2 June 2010

The Best Hair Vitamins for Longer Hair

While no vitamin supplement will make short hair grow long in a matter of days or weeks, there are certain nutrients that your body requires for healthy hair growth. Your hair's growth cycle is determined genetically, but by making sure you provide your body with the right nutrition, you can prevent your hair from being stunted due to nutritional deficiencies and allow it to grow naturally to its full potential. Healthy hair will also be less prone to breakage, so you won't have to cut off damaged ends as often, which will help you get your hair longer. 

    General Nutrition

  1. Healthy hair growth is first and foremost a function of overall good health. Eating a healthy, balanced diet low in fat and sugar and high in fruits, vegetables and whole grains contributes to good health, including hair growth.

    B Vitamins

  2. A vitamin B-complex that includes biotin and folate, and a B-6 supplement are important parts of a healthy hair vitamin regimen. B vitamins contribute to hair and nail growth. Take 50 mg each of B-complex and B-6 daily.


  3. Beta-carotene, which is converted into active vitamin A in your body, is also an important compound to include in your regimen because it helps the body grow and develop, including hair and skin. Taking beta-carotene may be more beneficial than taking vitamin A itself because the body converts the beta-carotene on an as-needed basis. Take 50 mg per day.

    Amino Acids

  4. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and hair is a protein called keratin. Amino acids may be especially beneficial if your diet doesn't include a sufficient amount of protein. Look for a combination amino acid supplement and take as directed on the package. Aim for about 1,000 mg total daily.

    Vitamin E, Vitamin C and Zinc

  5. Vitamin E, Vitamin C and zinc are commonly believed to improve immune function. Hair growth is tied to immune function, so adding these substances to your vitamin regimen is another essential step. Take 400 IU of vitamin E, 3,000 mg of vitamin C and 50 mg of zinc daily.

    Skin, Hair and Nail Supplements

  6. Supplements that promote healthy hair growth are often packaged and sold as supplements for skin and nails as well as hair. Many of the vitamins needed for hair growth are the very same vitamins that contribute to healthy skin and nails. Look for a supplement that includes all or most of the aforementioned vitamins. As with all vitamin supplements, remember that any results will be seen slowly over time. Evaluate your hair growth after about three to six months to see if you notice any change.

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