Tuesday 22 June 2010

HIV: Medical Information

Many myths and inaccuracies surround HIV and AIDS education, and as a result, many people put themselves at risk of infection. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reports that each year, there are approximately 56,300 new HIV infections, with around 21 percent of those who are positive being unaware of their condition. Government agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and the National Institutes of Health work to ensure proper medical information about HIV and AIDS is available. 

Friday 11 June 2010

How to free your Muscle Knots

Muscle knots can be nagging and painful. They can cause chronic pain in your back. Muscle knots are also a symptom of neck pain as well as shoulder muscle pain. Muscle knots are a result of your muscles tightening up because of the pain. Here is how to free your muscles knots.

How to Remove Muscle Knots

Chances are high that sometime in your life you will suffer the pain of a knotted muscle.
Muscles function best when they are well-nourished with the right amount of nutrients and hydration, and when they are used properly, without being overly strained. Unfortunately, no matter how well you take care of yourself, one day you will feel the sudden sharp pain of a muscle clenching into a tight, hard knot.
A muscle might knot up spontaneously while you sleep or appear suddenly when you reach for something on a high shelf at the grocery store. You might simply be showering and turn your neck suddenly to rinse your hair---muscle knots sometimes seem to happen with little provocation. Fortunately, there are some things that you can do to remove muscle knots.

Wednesday 2 June 2010

The Best Hair Vitamins for Longer Hair

While no vitamin supplement will make short hair grow long in a matter of days or weeks, there are certain nutrients that your body requires for healthy hair growth. Your hair's growth cycle is determined genetically, but by making sure you provide your body with the right nutrition, you can prevent your hair from being stunted due to nutritional deficiencies and allow it to grow naturally to its full potential. Healthy hair will also be less prone to breakage, so you won't have to cut off damaged ends as often, which will help you get your hair longer. 

How to Remove Waterproof Mascara

Waterproof mascara is a great choice for creating long, beautiful eyelashes. But getting waterproof mascara off your lashes can be a bit tricky! Here are some easy steps you can take to make removing waterproof mascara easy. And you won't pull out any eye lashes in the process!

Sunday 30 May 2010

How to Remove Eyelid Glue

Used most often by Asian women, eyelid glue temporarily reshapes the upper eyelid, creating or enhancing a fold in the eyelid to give the illusion of a double-eyelid. The adhesive glue is water soluble and becomes transparent when dry, making it a discreet alternative to eyelid tape.

Wednesday 26 May 2010

The Effects of Hard Water on Skin

Hard water is comprised of high concentrations of undissolved minerals, such as calcium carbonate and dolomite. Although hard water contains these elements, it is not detrimental to your health, but it is harsh on your skin. If you have to use hard water on a daily basis, using a water softener is highly recommended, because this will help decrease the ill effects of hard water on skin.